Prayer brings Revival – what God did in the Hebrides

Hebridean revival
The elderly ‘praying’ sisters with evangelist Duncan Campbell, who was invited to help steward the Hebrides Revival

The last Revival upon the shores of the UK as a whole, was The Hebrides Revival, that took place between 1949 and 1952. It is a truly remarkable story of two elderly sisters, one blind, the other bent with arthritis, who heard from God and were persistent in prayer, until The Holy Spirit literally shook the islands in revival power!

CTNTP were recently reminded of this, after receiving an email containing an article, with part of the amazing story.

We have published the article as a page on the website, entitled, Intercessors of the Hebrides Revival – click here to view.

It is a timely reminder that persistent prayer, prayer that is offered up in response the prompting and guiding of The Spirit, can see this nation utterly transformed. The Hebrides Revival was surely a taster of the greater things to come for the UK?

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