The Miracle of Dunkirk

dunkirk-news-articleWhat might a National Call to Prayer look like, what might its result be?

One example, one of the few recorded in our Nation is that which was called by King George VI and which took place on Sunday 26 May 1940 during World War II. It was at the time when the British army was outmaneuvered and surrounded in France and faced possible annihilation at the hands of Nazi forces.

On the day in question, the King and members of the Cabinet, together with millions in all parts of the Nation, Commonwealth and Empire gathered in Cathedrals and Churches to join in prayer.

Prime Minister Winston Churchill stated at the time that maybe 20,000 to 30,000 might escape back to England. In the event, by a series of what even many secular commentators called ‘miracles’, over 300,000 were saved.

What would a Call to Prayer look like in Great Britain today? Would Queen or Government call one, or would it happen as a result of The Church arising, or through a Sovereign move of Holy Spirit?

How could it even happen in a Christian sense in our pluralistic society? Which ‘god’ would many people believe they were being asked to praying to?!

No-one knows how, but the only and true Biblical God’s response would surely be at least as dramatic as in 1940… maybe beyond our wildest imaginations!

Read more about The Miracle of Dunkirk here.

There were a total of 7 National Calls to Prayer during WWII – click here to read more.