Our ‘As One’ Gathering

As One A4 portrait

Feedback from ‘As One’ -29th September 2018

Read full reports of the morning ‘As One’ gathering in Coventry – click here – and in the afternoon at Meriden – click here

What a truly amazing day! If you were with us, thank you so much for coming, and we know many also prayed for us around the country.



We are certain that we ‘dropped a stone in a pond’ and the ripples will continue to reverberate out to our nation and beyond in the months and years ahead. Read a reflection on this by CTNTP founder, Peter Hill – click here.

Click here for more photos.


Why we were led to hold ‘As One’, in the Centre of England

John & Pam Yates
John & Pam Yates

Having decided that we were being directed by The Lord to hold an event in Meriden, we were amazed to hear that way back in 1979, a man called John Yates received a vision from God about the centre of England.

This is an extract from Jon and his wife Pam’s website, clarioncallministries.co.uk (click on the link to read more).

‘In the autumn of 1979 John had been alone praying, when the presence of God became very powerful in his room. God began to show John the importance of establishing His Kingdom presence in the heart of England, which would then ripple outwards nationally and internationally. This vision was so powerfully implanted within John that he pursued it wholeheartedly from that time on, whatever the cost.’

In 1990, John realised that the work he had been pursuing, called Heart of England Outreach, was to be centred in no less than Meriden…’

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