The Untold – BBC Radio 4 -The Prayer Wall

Some of you will already be aware of the amazing vision for the Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer in the West Midlands, in the centre of England.

Yesterday, 28th November 2022, BBC Radio 4 broadcast this inspirational podcast, which features founder of the project, Richard Gamble, who tells the story so far of the journey to build the Eternal Wall.

Click Here to listen from the BBC website. (Available until 28/11/23).

Written by the BBC:

Richard Gamble believes God has given him a mission: to build a huge national monument, made from a million bricks, each representing an answered Christian prayer.

It seems an impossible task for a sports chaplain who has no experience of construction. And yet over the past eight years, he’s managed to pull together a project team, raise thousands of pounds and launch a global design competition with the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA).

But before a single brick can be laid, they need to secure a site to lay it. Richard hopes lie in the Edmistons – a family multimillionaires and evangelical Christians, who own extensive land in the West Midlands.

Will his hopes be realised? Will he find a home for the Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer?

Please visit The Eternal Wall website to find out more –

Please spread the word about this God inspired vision. Could you become involved somehow or make a financial donation?

Prepare! – Network for Revival Newsletter Nov. 2022

Our last post, entitled: A church which is radically Biblical in the power of the Spirit, received some of its inspiration from the highly recommended regular newsletters of, Revd. Tony Higton’s, Network for Revival. The November issue starts a new series of thoughts and asks the question, are we the church prepared for revival?

Tony, as do we, puts an emphasis on the power of prayer and that the potency of prayer depends very much on unity. Tony quotes a key passage of Scripture, the words of Jesus himself about the importance of unity, (or being, ‘as one’), that we at CTNTP have long discerned as fundamental; namely John 17:20-23:

“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.  I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one – I in them and you in me – so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me”

The national event in the centre of England that CTNTP organised in 2018, was called, ‘As One’. Click here, to read more.

We would commend Tony Higton’s newsletters to you. The November edition we have reproduced below. We are sure that Tony would be pleased to hear from you, if you wish to join his own regular mailing list – email:

A church which is radically Biblical in the power of the Spirit

There is nowhere in the Bible that instructs Christians to ‘go (in)to church’. In fact, Jesus told us to go out!

Now wherever you go, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And teach them to faithfully follow  all that I have commanded you… Matthew 28 19-20 (TPT)

If we are followers, disciples of Jesus Christ, both personally and corporately, we ARE The Church. Greek; the Ekklesia – literally, called out ones!

Now you are Christ’s body, and individually members of it. 1 Corinthians 12:27

The blueprint for how The Church, Believers in Christ should interact together and with the world, was laid down in the book of Acts. It is all very alive, active and mobile. Everyone played a part, all participated, all ‘went’. There were no purpose built buildings, no walls to restrict the flow of the Good News. The rapid spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ could not be contained.

On the Cross as Jesus died, the curtain of the Holy of Holy’s within the Temple in Jerusalem, the inner sanctuary of God’s presence on earth, was ripped in two. Ever since, without the need for (professional) priests and rituals, individuals can freely return right into to the Presence, into a personal relationship destroyed by original sin in the Garden of Eden, with their loving Heavenly Father.

The early church, the body of Believers as described in the book of Acts, bathed in the power of The Holy Spirit, totally embracing the teachings, freedom and new relationship that Christ bought. Thus like wildfire, the wonderful news of His almost too good to be true, reconciling gift to mankind, spread throughout the known world.

But over the centuries that have followed, so many Believers have attempted to sew the curtain back up! To make church neat and tidy and to keep God at a respectable distance again. Church at 11.15 each Sunday, maybe a Bible Study on a Thursday evening. That’s my Christian duty done!

Theological and religious constructs have constantly tried to restrict, to corral and control the freedom that the Good News of Jesus Christ brings to individuals. Churches formed with a genuine intent and sound doctrine, often skew into ‘extra biblical’ teaching and practice. Over time and generations these ‘extras’ quickly become part of a perpetuated, unquestioned and supressing tradition.

The religious leaders, the Pharisees we read about in the New Testament, were guilty of tying the Jews up in knots with dozens of extra rules and regulations of their own invention. Jesus was totally scathing of them!

In Mark, Chapter 7, Jesus makes these two important observations about the religious leaders:

You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to human traditions.’

13 Thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like that.’

And so it can so easily be within today’s churches and denominations.

This is not of course a totally black and white picture. A Church fellowship will seldom have it all wrong, although it is most unlikely any have it all right either! But many true Believers end up hamstrung, their effectiveness to go into all the world and make disciples reduced and restricted by their church or denominational rules, traditions and practices.

Time for the Called Out to Step Out

It is surely time. Time for the, ‘Called Out Ones’, to actually step out, indeed back into the role and destiny for which Christ chose and commissioned them. To go out and make fellow Disciples, wherever they are to be found, home, street, City and to the ends of the earth! People who are themselves and mentors of others, who are radically Biblical and filled with power of The Holy Spirit. A people who do not have a religious bone in their body!

The enemy wants The Church of Jesus Christ to be ineffective. Satan loves it when we are all constrained in our safe little buildings, away from our God given purpose, to reach the lost and dying of our world.

It is surely time for you, and I, to get our scissors out and cut through any ‘curtain threads’ that we or others have sewn and which have restricted our Faith. Seek out, ask God to show you fellow Believers who also want to ‘go’, with whom you can fellowship, be sharpened from the Bible and the guidance of The Holy Spirit. Then ‘GO’!

Paul’s words from Ephesians 6 comes to mind:

The Full Armour of God

10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. 11Put on the full armour of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

13Therefore take up the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you will be able to stand your ground, and having done everything, to stand. 14Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness arrayed, 15and with your feet fitted with the readiness of the gospel of peace. 16In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

18Pray in the Spirit at all times, with every kind of prayer and petition. To this end, stay alert with all perseverance in your prayers for all the saints. 19Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will boldly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it fearlessly, as I should.

David Gilbey

Coordinator CTNTP

The Wind -Prophetic Dream for London and the UK

john-kilpatrickJohn Kilpatrick was blessed to experience the glory of God as Holy Spirit entrusted him with the pastoral oversight of the historic Brownsville Revival in Pensacola, Florida and the Bay Revival in Mobile, Alabama. He currently serves as the founder and executive pastor of Church of His Presence in Daphne, Alabama, USA.

In the last few days, a YouTube video has been released by John, of a ‘prophetic dream’ that John says he experienced on 18th October 2022. John says that he found himself on the streets of London and speaks of a soon to come ‘Wind of the Spirit’ that will sweep that City and other cities and towns across the globe.  This will involving mass healings, miracles, and release from demonic oppression. 

It is interesting to note that, on the same day that we were made aware of John’s dream, an unconnected source posted this meme on a UK prophetic group, referring to The London Underground:

Wind blowing on the Tube

Do take time to view, or read the transcript of John Kilpatrick’s telling of this dream, and be sure to weigh it before The Lord.

Crossing Over -Lifeboats

Many people who we are in connection with are believing that ‘The Church’, both corporately and us individually, are in a period of transition. We seem to be going somewhere that we have not been before and the old mode of transport, the traditional ways of ‘doing’ or attending church, are largely no longer fit for 21st Century purpose.

An article was published on 4th November 2022, on the Prophecy Today UK website. This is taken from a chapter of a booklet, published last summer, by Issachar Ministries.

The Chapter commences:

Covid restrictions have already changed the face of Church and it will never return to how it was, nor should it. The old ‘ship’ is no longer ‘seaworthy’ for the strength of the ‘stormy’ seas that are ahead. What is needed is a completely different type of vessel altogether, something more akin to a lifeboat. Since its inception, the lifeboat has never been a cruise liner, for entertainment or lecturing or teaching; it has never been a trading vessel or a trawler. It is an emergency vehicle with one task only: to rescue people in danger of perishing in the hope and expectation they will be saved.

You are encouraged to continue to read the article in full here:

In contemplating the article’s content, a video called, Lost at Sea, came quickly to mind. Published a few years ago by Evangelist, Reinhard Bonnke. You will see the clear parallels to the Crossing Over article.

Challenging stuff!

The Season has Shifted?

After a year of sensing to pause CNTP postings and activities, we would like to start to share with you some recent thoughts and prophetic words, that we believe speak of an impending move of God upon the UK.

The ‘words’ will be largely from others, people we believe to be reliable prophetic voices. They will resonate with other content on our website. But we do not say, ‘thus sayeth The Lord’. Please weigh all you read by Scripture and by the voice of The Holy Spirit into your hearts.

The first is a message, released on 31st July 2022, by pastor Chris Wickland, of Living Word Church Network UK. Chris is based in Fareham, Hampshire. It is a word specifically for the UK.

There is a lot within Chris’s word, but the focus is that as autumn arrives in the UK, September 2022, it will be like the tick of a clock, where the hand moves to the next minute, and will herald in next season. Not instantly, but Chris says that we will then start to see everything shake and change in the UK generally, and for The Church, and a window will open up, for an unprecedented move of The Holy Spirit.

Well Autumn came, almost immediately Queen Elizabeth died. Prime Ministers came and went. Turmoil in the Economy. We’re off ! It seems to have started?

Without further ado, here is a video of Chris’s message and the link to a transcript too.

As a podcast, click here:

Transcript, in PDF format:

Are we Lemmings heading for the Cliff Edge?

Have our eyes glazed over? Have we stuck fingers in both our ears? Have we all become like lemmings heading for the cliff edge?!

The COP26 Global Climate Summit starts today… for HEAVEN’S sake, what on EARTH are we, the Christian Church, God’s Ekklesia, doing about it all?!

The World meets, in what seems to have become some frenzied, activist and media fuelled, last ditch attempt for doomed humanity, by our own efforts, to save our planet from inevitable, imminent, total and utter destruction!

I came across the below short video this morning, based on Romans 8:22.

‘To this day we are aware of the universal agony and groaning of creation, as if it were in the contractions of labour for childbirth’. (TPT).

The Bible makes it clear that all we see will not simply end, but be re-birthed, re-created, back to God’s original and perfect blueprint. Mankind and our planet in beautiful harmony. A ‘Garden of Eden’, where we will once again walk in the cool of the day with our Creator.

Yet, God’s plan for this restoration does not come by somehow pulling OURSELVES up by our own boot straps! That is impossible. But it is rather by accepting His offer of reconciliation and salvation, through a personal relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ.

John 3:16: For here is the way God loved the world—he gave his only, unique Son as a gift. So now everyone who believes in him will never perish but experience everlasting life. (TPT).

So don’t be fearful, do not panic, know the certainty of your salvation and place in the new heaven and earth that the Bible promises. And pray and be bold to tell all around you, the very Good News of re-birth, not of Global destruction.

David Gilbey
UK Pioneer, The Rooftop

Prophetic Creative Day in Essex – Saturday 2nd October 2021

If you live within or near to Essex, we invite you to a Prophetic Creative Day.

CTNTP co-founder and UK Pioneer of The Rooftop, David Gilbey is on the steering team of Transforming Essex Intercessors and will be installing The River of Life in an upper room, for opportunity for an Encounter with God.

Doors open at 10am to 4pm and you may arrive and leave at anytime during the day.

Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer – Landmark of Hope -Crowdfunding launched

Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer will be a Christian architectural sculpture built in Coleshill near Birmingham, in the heart of the UK

It will be a colossal piece of public art; a giant infinity loop built of one million bricks reaching 50m into the sky

Every brick will represent a story of how someone has prayed and how God has answered

Visitors will be able to point their phone at a brick to reveal the story of hope that lies within.

This will be a piece of public art that provokes a conversation about prayer, giving visitors the space to reflect on the role of prayer in the nation and in their lives. It is about how one person’s answered prayer can become another person’s hope.

CTNTP and The Rooftop encourage you to find out more about this amazing project and with all the preliminaries in place, to consider being part of the Crowdfund, for £2.5 million, that will actually start construction in Spring 2022.


The next Rooftop Prayer & Encounter -this Thursday 16th Sept

For all in the UK, we invite you to a time of encounter and exploration!

1st and 3rd Thursdays, 8pm to 9pm, The Rooftop Prayer & Encounter is a time to meet with God, pray into The Rooftop ministry in the UK and to gain understanding of what going to ‘a rooftop’ means.

Together we are:

    • Exploring the vision of The Rooftop
    • Praying for the 2022 Global Encounter
    • Praying for the development and direction of  The Rooftop in the UK
    • And not least, making space for our own life changing, ‘rooftop encounter’ with God

Everyone is very welcome to log in. Come find out more and journey with us.

The meetings are hosted by UK Pioneer, David Gilbey. 

1st and 3rd Thursdays, 8pm to 9pm
Meeting ID: 810 337 077

Also visit