Father’s Love Letter – could you help deliver 1000’s across the nation?

Front of Father's Love Letter for CoventryAt the CTNTP ‘As One’ event, in September last year, we distributed nearly 4,000 copies of Father’s love letter – read about it: click here

We were therefore so encouraged to read the following in a recent newsletter circulation by our friends from, Neighbourhood Prayer Network.

Can you support them to get thousands more into homes around our nation?

Here’s the article from the Neighbourhood Prayer Network newsletter, do contact them, there is a place to click within the article for their email address:

Neighbourhood Prayer Network Article

Yesterday was Valentine’s day, a day of joy for some or misery for others.  As many received their valentine’s cards yesterday,  a teenager near you was feeling the pain of rejection and sinking further into despair.  Yesterday this teenager harmed themselves due to the pain they felt, not just about Valentine’s day, but so much more.  More than 100,000 children aged 14 are self harming! 

The good news is that prayer does work!  Please pray for young people near you this week, so that this epidemic of self harm will stop! 

When reading these horrific statistics or seeing first hand the reality of suicidal teens, I can’t help wonder how different their lives might be if they were to know Jesus personally and have God to turn to in their troubles.  Our culture frowns upon sharing our faith with others, but perhaps if teenagers knew God- their lives would improve?

We are considering re-releasing the Father’s Love Letter as a mass resource for individuals and churches.  We share this older testimony with you from 2013.

Please can you let us know by email if you would order the Father’s Love Letter, before we dedicate precious resources to printing them.  In the past, we have ordered over 100,000 and seen these distributed throughout the UK.


FROM : London (NW9), Living Way, Foursquare Gospel Church, about The Father’s Love Letter.

Thank God for the writer of the Holy Spirit’s ‘Father’s Love Letter’. We missed out of the planned distribution for Valentine day, but God has a better plan than ours. Instead of dropping the cards into homes for Valentine, we had ample opportunity to properly address them as real letters – in envelopes addressed to ‘Dear Residents, London NW9’.

At least 3 people said that they were encouraged, one lady sent a text message to say that she felt loved, one elderly lady came on Good Friday with a thank you card and a letter for the reassuring ‘Father’s Love Letter’ she received the previous day, looking for our Church. She was a Christian before she married. She felt that she had betrayed the priest, so she stopped going to Church for a very long time. In her letter, she asked if we would welcome her. I immediately replied and hand-delivered the letter at her given address.

Please remember to pray for Anne to come back fully to God in the fellowship of believers. Pray also for Keily, whose son is in prison and was overwhelmed with the Mother’s day hamper she received from us and the Father’s Love Letter that followed. She was at our cafe church Easter celebration activities yesterday. Please pray also that our Church will grow in quality and quantity.

Praise God. Pastor Hope Yoloye  12th April 2013 Newsletter.

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